Biblical Justice

TBRI Training

aug 22 | 5:30pm-8pm | Room 251

Building trust with children in a relational way that speaks to them personally can be difficult. TBRI training can help with that! TBRI stands for Trust-Based Relational Intervention. It is a method of interacting with children, whether as a parent or caregiver, that works for all ages. This training is designed to help with kids from all different kinds of backgrounds, especially trauma backgrounds. Colorado Kids Belong is conducting a TBRI training for Southeast on August 22 and we would love for you to be part of this training and learn new ways of connecting with your kids and others!


Justice and righteousness are the foundations of Gods throne

Biblical justice is partnering with God in seeing restoration and healing for all humanity while pursuing the manifestation of equal access to resources and opportunities as illustrated throughout scripture.

God is calling his people to pursue justice and righteousness through the means of building relationships with those around us. We must be willing to approach everyone with a spirit of curiosity, generosity, and be other-directed. Biblical justice demands that we be in relationship and lead with empathy. Because of that we can no longer ignore the needs of our neighbors. We must meet the needs of our neighbors and those on the margins. In doing so, we honor the calling of justice God has placed on his people. If you would like to learn more, we have resources available.

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