Parents of Prodigal Children

Parents, do you have a son/daughter who is an addict, rebel, or canceled you out? Do you feel discouraged and no one understands your situation? Does God seem distant throughout the turmoil with your child?

Topics to be covered: Living with judgment from others. Embracing forgiveness. Letting your prodigal bear consequences. Facing hard reality. Understanding why. Battling anger and bitterness.

  • Living with judgment from others
  • Embracing forgiveness
  • Letting your prodigal bear consequences
  • Facing hard reality
  • Understanding why
  • Battling anger and bitterness
  • Kindling affection for your prodigal
  • Being content with the sovereign choices of God
  • Living with the silence of heaven
  • Keeping your hope in God
  • Living with sadness
  • Testing the sufficiency of God’s grace

Connections Class

The Connections Class is an opportunity to learn more about our Southeast family. We have members from many different church backgrounds within our congregation, so it is essential that we learn to function as a unified team. This class is designed to explain our playbook so that we can effectively advance toward a clear, purposeful goal.